Ministries of the Meeting
For over 100 years, the Ramallah Friends Meeting has served as the spiritual home for Palestinian Quakers and sojourning Friends. The Meeting is a beacon of hope in the heart of Ramallah. Through the Meeting and its ministries, there is a hub in which community and sanctuary are experienced by concerned persons, both those living in the region and the hundreds of visitors welcomed each year. Friends come to worship and to learn from the daily living of a theology of nonviolence, formulated in the context of the Palestinian reality. This theology was groundbreaking years ago when Jean Zaru first articulated it and has since only broadened in its impact. From across the globe, theologians, students and practioners alike, many of whom have read Jean's book Occupied with Nonviolence, seek the opporunity to dialogue. Through the daily living of its faith convictions, the Meeting and its worshiping community strives to build a culture of peace, equality and nonviolence.

First Day Meeting for Worship
A vibrant Meeting for Worship (in the unprogrammed tradition) meets weekly on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in the beautiful 1910 Meetinghouse, where all are invited to encounter God and one another.
Mid Week Meeting for Worship
On the third Thursday of each month, Friends gather for a period of unprogrammed worship followed by fellowship and the breaking of bread together.
Education & Hospitality
The Meeting welcomes delegations from all over the world, seeking to learn about Palestine and the peace witness of Friends in a context of prolonged violence and oppression. Topics most often explored are the theology of nonviolence and the building of a culture of peace, equality and dialogue.
Environmental Stewardship
A native species garden graces the grounds of the Meetinghouse, including olive trees and medicinal herbs. It is one of the only green spaces remaining in central Ramallah. The Meeting is committed to reusing and recycling, whenever possible.