Learning: To Live as Children of God
The affirmation of the indwelling of the divine is a part of all religions. “The kingdom of God is within you,” said Jesus. “You are the...

Trusting: To Live as Children of God
The first day of spring was marked last week and in Palestine, as well as many other places around the world, Mother’s Day was also...

Risking: To Live as Children of God
While seeking opens us to the possibily of transformation and the reign of God, it also most certainly involves risk. In the book of...

Seeking: To Live As Children of God
The way of Jesus calls us back to a posture of seeking. We are invited to seek the spiritual fortitfude to re-root ourselves (over and...

Introduction to Spring Meditation Series: To Live As Children of God
Our Meeting lives within a context, one where the Palestinian Christian community is now prepararing both spiritually and physically for...